I am a postdoctoral fellow at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland, working at the Institute of Computing (CI). The focus of my research is centered around algorithms for graph learning and combinatorial optimization for graph partitioning and anomaly detection. I completed my Phd at USI in February 2023, under the supervision of Olaf Schenk. Prior to that, I worked on fluid-structure interaction problems as part of my MSc thesis on Computational Science at USI, and studied Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

This is my cv (updated February 2024).

My work is supported by the joint German Research Foundation (DFG) - 470857344 and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - 204817 project Numerical Algorithms, Frameworks, and Scalable Technologies for Extreme-Scale Computing.

